Revelations About President Trump, America & The Church

The Lord has given me revelation / Word of knowledge regarding the pandemic, America’s future, about the church and its leadership, and President Trump.

  • America CAN BE like Noah’s Ark
  • President Trump is modern day Noah
  • The world is engaging in global corporate Satanic worship. Satan is using the pandemic and BLM to accomplish this.
  • The church is censoring the Truth, God, not just our government, MSM, FB, Google and Twitter 
  • We are supposed to resist the government (specifically wearing masks, social distancing, closing churches – it is demonic), just like the Jews did after WWII, defying the British Empire and migrating to Palestine, specifically Exodus 1947
  • The American church is lukewarm and God will spit it out if it doesn’t repent
  • Christian leaders who don’t speak God’s word need to be dealt with according to Mathew and 1.Timothy and if they don’t turn from their wicked ways they need to be exposed by name
  • The church is failing to expose, to name the enemies of God, them being Christian leaders, pastors, elected representatives, political parties, movements, ideologies
  • God wants people who support His principles to be NAMED, not just telling people to vote biblical principles. God showed me that the church and its leaders would not publicly name Jesus Christ Himself if He would run for public office
  • What specific things the Democratic Party, if given the chance, will do to America,

The Lord is raising the unknown to do His work, because the known have failed to do so. There needs to be a civil war in the church, otherwise the church as a whole in America will fall and with it America itself.