Word From The Lord To Pastor Robert Morris Of Gateway Church

This is not something I am doing lightly. I have prayed and followed Matthew & 1.Timothy, I have sent numerous emails (you can read it at the end of this post) to Robert Morris & Gateway Church and called several times to tell them what God directed me to tell them – all at the direction of The Lord.
Robert Morris and Gateway Church have embraced and promotes the lies of the Enemy – critical race theory, 1619 project, systematic racism, America is evil founded on slavery, etc.:
(racism of course exists, but it is and always was perpetrated by the Left & the Democratic Party.)

After they only partially responded (they have removed a link from their website, but still left the page on their website – see below), God told me to write and send His Word for Robert Morris to him on 9/10/2020 – no response and no change of behavior.
https://unity.gatewaypeople.com/additional-resources – this page directs people to A Detailed List of Anti-Racism Resources which promotes every secular anti-God lie about racism & America:

Now The Lord is directing me to make His Word public.

“I am the Lord your God and I have an ought against you. You have ignored my corrections. You have failed to listen to me and follow my directions and my Commandments. You have been silent about the evil of current events. You have obeyed men instead of Me. You have shut down My church against my Will. You have embraced the narrative of the enemy and promoted it in regards to the pandemic and racism. You are allowing false doctrines to be preached to my sheep. You are allowing lies about me to be preached. You are deceiving and allowing my sheep, that I put in your care, to be deceived. You are lacking discernment and courage. My son, do not resent or disregard my discipline and my chastisement of you. Do not lean on your own understanding, trust in Me, and I will make your paths straight again. You are boasting and being proud of how you handled the pandemic and you are being deceived.

You are not preparing my people for what is coming and you are not equipping my sheep to fight today’s evil. I am a God of today, yesterday and tomorrow. All I have given you is for today and for what is coming.
I have warned you about you spreading lies of the enemy and yet you continue to do so. You are allowing my people to be divided, you are allowing racial hatred to be advanced under the the disguise of unity. You are under attack from the spirit of division, which masquerades as a spirit of unity, the spirit of oppression and deception.

You have become proud and arrogant. You have become lukewarm and I will spit you out if you don’t return to your first love. I have given you much and I require much of you. I am a hard task Master. You are on a path of destruction, turn away from the evil ways and I will restore you.

Robert, my son, I have much for you. I love you. My Son has died for you. I have raised you up and I can tear you down. Take heed to my warning, instructions and my correction. Repent and return to me and I will restore you. Only the ones who will last till the end will be saved.

You shall get off sabbatical and go about My business.”

Even though Robert Morris’s intentions may be good, he will not accomplish anything good by embracing and spreading the lies of Satan.
It is evident Morris is lacking any discernment on this issue, only gives a voice to leftists and no voice to black people who disagree with Left’s narrative about racism.

Morris has no business being a spiritual adviser to President Trump & I hope President Trump learns how Gateway Church is promoting the lies of the Democratic Party. Morris didn’t disagree with Kirk Franklin when Franklin was trashing President Trump and America on TBN’s Praise show.

I ask that you pray for Robert Morris and Gateway Church, that The Lord’s Word will not fall on deaf ears, that they will repent and stop promoting the lies of Satan, that they will stop deceiving people.

Email To Robert Morris (8/10/20)

Dear Robert Morris,

Growing up in communism, as an atheist, I learned that you never admit any mistakes or wrong doing, because that is a sign of weakness and it was always used against you.  Listening, to your sermons, I learned that even when you are in a leadership position, it is important to admit past failings, mistakes and struggles.  Through your sermons, I learned that through our weaknesses, we are made strong.  I have learned many other things from you over the past four years that I have been listening and watching your sermons.  I value the fact that your sermons are filled with meat and not milk and that they teach rather than simply hype up a congregation.

Being personally oppressed for ½ of my life, I have a strong conviction to fight oppression in this country. I agree with your websites’ attempt to educate and unite the church regarding the issue of racism, unfortunately the narrative on your website will accomplish the direct opposite.

Even though I was raised in an evil, atheistic society without the freedoms we know here in America, I realized that everything I was being told by that society was a lie; so I began searching for real answers, the TRUTH. After a very long journey, I realized that God has to exist and eventually I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

After years of attempts, I was finally successful in escaping communism and moved to this great country, at great sacrifice (I gave up everything), worth all of it to be free.  At the time, I believed freedom was the most important thing in life.  Later, I realized that God is the most important and that true freedom only comes through God and the by blood of Jesus Christ.  Without God, there is no freedom, only oppression, physical and spiritual.

I am deeply disturbed about what is currently happening in this country because I know where it ends.  If the future result of current events is successful, my past will come to America.  I have tried to warn America for years of what is coming if we don’t wake up and here we are; massive oppression of everyone is just behind the corner.  Because I hate oppression so much, I deeply sympathize with the plight of the black community in America.  Satan is using racism, not just to divide Christians and our society as a whole, but with the ultimate goal to destroy this country. 

Racism and oppression of the black community is real.  However, the narrative being discussed is totally false.  I am deeply alarmed about what is being promoted regarding racism on your website.

  • Every resource and book that is referred to on your website is written either by leftist secular outlets or leftist secular people.
    • Books by Ta-Nehisi Coates, a self proclaimed atheist and feminist.
    • White Fragility, a book written by a self-proclaimed progressionist stating that white people are inherently racist and there is nothing they can do about it.
    • A link to “A detailed list of anti-racism sources” recommends New York Times, Washington Post, CNN and more.
  • Even the sources from Christians on your website promote one narrative and one voice: the 1619 project, which is a complete lie.
    • The 1619 project was founded by a Marxist, Nikole Hanna-Jones, and promoted by liberals who cry out for a FUNDAMENTAL change of this country.
    • The 1619 project is being sold as historical truth.
    • The creator of the 1619 project, Ms. Hanna-Jones, recently admitted that even though it was presented as history, “It is not a history. It is a work of journalism that explicitly seeks to challenge the national narrative and, therefore, the national memory.”
    • This country was not founded on racist and slave-holder ideology.
    • This country was founded by God on Judeo-Christian values.
    • God founded this country on His principals.
    • There are only 2 countries in the world founded by God – America and Israel and both are under attack and vilified as evil.
  • Therefore, by saying that America was founded on racism, IS in fact saying that God is evil and a racist.
  • Your website is only giving the views of those who promote the 1619 project and doesn’t even give the views of many in the black community who do not agree with the narrative promoted by your website.
  • There are many black people with a strong voice, speaking against the 1619 project like those from the 1776 project, that was started by black conservatives. Yet they don’t even have a voice on your website.  
  • Just one example of the falsehood being promoted, even by pastors in your church
    • that black people were counted only as 3/5th of a person because the constitution is a racist document. In contrary, that wording was put in the constitution by abolitionist to minimize the power of the slave-holder’s representation.
    • Even though you are an advisor to President Trump, your website is promoting a video by T.D. Jakes telling people not to vote for the Republican party and vote for Democrats.

The issue goes deeper than Racism.  Racism is a deflection from the main problem:

The oppression of the black community and the deliberate destruction of the black family.

In one of your sermons, you used a bottle analogy.  It was a good analogy and the Lord revealed to me that there is even a deeper meaning to it.

  • It’s not just to walk on the other side of the bottle to have the same view as the other person. Two people looking at the same view may still see something different.
  • But the bottle and the label is really just all about the Content inside the bottle.
  • That’s where the focus needs to be. Not on the packaging or labeling.  What if the label is false?
  • What if the label says the content is healthy, but in fact, it is poison.
  • By focusing on the racism, we are focusing on the label and not the true content inside – the oppression of the black community by the platform of the Democratic party.
  • The packaging of racism, the message presented by the Democratic Party, is to hide the poison content of their oppression of the black community and destruction of the black family.
  • The narrative presented about racism today is being used to oppress EVERYONE, not just the black community.
    • The white community is afraid to even speak about the issue for fear of being called a racist.
    • It is also being used as a tool to sew more racial hatred, feelings of bitterness and division on both sides.
    • Your website is speaking that same narrative.
    • Just one question. How can using a narrative from the world, benefit or unite the Church?
    • Unity in the church will not be accomplished using a false narrative constructed by the world. It will only cause more division and increase racism. The light cannot unite with darkness.

I understand that you may not even be aware of what is posted on your website due to your large organization and delegation.  But the information on there could lead a large number of people astray because they trust you and it is an endorsement by you when it is promoted on your website.  I don’t believe Americans truly realize how evil communism and socialism really is and we are at the precipice of it.  I have a lot more information regarding oppression.  I have a life long experience with it and for a short time in my life, I was even a refugee.  Through my life experiences, God has showed me many things for such a time as this.

This is an urgent matter as 100’s maybe 1000’s of people visit your website daily and are being mislead toward further oppression, which can influence election results in November.  I’m offering I knowledge based on personal experience of oppression from behind the Iron Curtain.  Insight of how the enemy is manipulating in this situation and solutions of how to accomplish your goal.  To further discuss this, you can contact me.

Sincerely In Christ,

Martin Dzuris

Revelations About President Trump, America & The Church

The Lord has given me revelation / Word of knowledge regarding the pandemic, America’s future, about the church and its leadership, and President Trump.

  • America CAN BE like Noah’s Ark https://youtu.be/FJoecezxFIQ?si=sYNMkk16jR_lO4hE
  • President Trump is modern day Noah https://youtu.be/FJoecezxFIQ?si=sYNMkk16jR_lO4hE
  • The world is engaging in global corporate Satanic worship. Satan is using the pandemic and BLM to accomplish this. https://youtu.be/ZrJ0698MaF4
  • The church is censoring the Truth, God, not just our government, MSM, FB, Google and Twitter 
  • We are supposed to resist the government (specifically wearing masks, social distancing, closing churches – it is demonic), just like the Jews did after WWII, defying the British Empire and migrating to Palestine, specifically Exodus 1947
  • The American church is lukewarm and God will spit it out if it doesn’t repent
  • Christian leaders who don’t speak God’s word need to be dealt with according to Mathew and 1.Timothy and if they don’t turn from their wicked ways they need to be exposed by name
  • The church is failing to expose, to name the enemies of God, them being Christian leaders, pastors, elected representatives, political parties, movements, ideologies
  • God wants people who support His principles to be NAMED, not just telling people to vote biblical principles. God showed me that the church and its leaders would not publicly name Jesus Christ Himself if He would run for public office
  • What specific things the Democratic Party, if given the chance, will do to America https://youtu.be/1jaN3a7NySg, https://youtu.be/HrKARUO77BE

The Lord is raising the unknown to do His work, because the known have failed to do so. There needs to be a civil war in the church, otherwise the church as a whole in America will fall and with it America itself.

America CAN BE Noah’s Ark & President Trump Is Modern Day Noah

By Martin Dzuris

No matter how much biblical scholars try to find America in the Bible, it is not there. Why can’t we find America, the most powerful nation up-to-date in world history and prophecies? The reason we can’t find it is because God has laid the foundation of America but allowed us to choose our own destiny. Of course he knows what America will choose but he did not want to influence us by telling us the future, so we would not use it as an excuse to not fight evil.

Just like God gave Noah the blueprint to build the ark, He gave the blueprint to our founding fathers to build America. Noah still had to build the ark just as the American people had to build America based on God’s blueprint – and they had. But unlike the days of Noah, the wicked in Noah’s days didn’t try to destroy the ark, whereas the wicked in America have been trying to destroy the foundation of this country piece by piece for decades. Since 1954 the Christian leaders have totally allowed this to happen, they stopped protecting the ark of America.

Just as Noah’s Ark was self-sufficient so was America for a period of time. By the church not engaging in political life at the direction of their leaders, the church stood silent as America lost self-sufficiency.

How is America like Noah’s Ark?

All of us remember from childhood Sunday school classes, our teachers explaining how God instructed Noah to build an ark and fill it with every kind of animal from all over the world. The self sufficient ark would save Noah, his family and all the creatures of the world who entered from God’s great judgment. Through Noah’s obedience to God, despite the criticism he faced daily from the rest of the world, his family and creatures from all over the world were saved  

Like Noah, Trump is rebuilding the self-sufficient ark of America. Although he is mocked, ridiculed, and hated, he is bringing back manufacturing, bringing back our soldiers, building the wall, reestablishing God‘s laws, protecting religious freedoms, and fighting evil.

Yet, unlike Noah, Trump stands almost alone. Noah had his family helping him build the ark. As a born-again Christian, president Trump’s family, his brothers and sisters in Christ, are failing to take a stand with our President. Our leaders are choosing mammon over God’s Word. Church leaders all over America fear jeopardizing their 501(c)(3) status and therefore refuse to publicly stand with President Trump as he follows God’s blueprint for America. Worse yet, our leaders refuse to publicly stand with Trump even though he signed an executive order that the Johnson amendment will not be enforced. Instead, they stand silently, cautiously guarding their non-profit status (their mammon) while the enemies of God are tearing this country to pieces.

Since 1954, when the Johnson Amendment was put in place, the American church abandoned its mission to stand for God, and fight evil. Instead, they chose mammon over God and to obey the laws of men instead of God. They have been teaching false doctrine and misleading their flocks. Many have even encouraged and empowered the enemies of God by voting for the Democratic party — a party whose platform aligns with everything God is against as He tells us in Galatians 6:1-10. Far too many of our church leaders have been teaching and embracing the lies and false doctrines of Satan in their congregations.

One demonic doctrine, a pre-tribulation rapture, has resulted in a lukewarm and apathetic believers, convincing them to abandon our fight today’s explosion of evil by believing they will not be here for the worst of it.

Was the church taken from this world during the 100 years of socialism and communism, when over 100 million people were killed and hundreds of millions of people were oppressed and enslaved? What about Christians currently persecuted and executed across continents in today’s world? What about the first church, the disciples of Christ who were persecuted and executed for their bold teaching of the gospel regardless that the government of the day made it illegal? Are we above the first Church? Above all the martyrs that came before us? Is God going to spare us from great tribulation even though he didn’t spare those before us? Even the Israelites were present during God’s judgment on Egypt. They were protected from His wrath but not spared from exile, wilderness, discipline and death.

What Christian leaders allowed

By embracing separation of church and state and tightly grasping hold of their non-profit status, our leaders have allowed God to be pushed out of our laws, our politics and every public aspect of our lives. The church has allowed prayer and Bible reading to be removed from schools, they allowed the murder of unborn children, the change of God’s marital covenant and the passing of laws that limit, attack, ban and punish biblical influence.

The Lord has an issue with the American church and its leaders. The church has become lukewarm and if the it does not turn away from its evil ways, he will spit it out. But there is still time. There is still time to turn back to Him, and repent.

There are two big events coming up this weekend, The Return and DC Prayer March. These events will not be successful in their advertised goal, of repentance and prayer, unless the leaders will publicly repent as according to 1 Timothy 5:20. The events are calling for repentance but have not spelled out exactly from what sins we need to repent. Pastors, leaders and their congregations cannot repent from sins when they do not know what they are, when they are not named. Without knowing from what to repent, and without publicly repenting, these two events will do nothing but bring glory to their organizers and promoters, selling more books and getting more exposure, and raising more money from donors.

Actor Jim Caviezel, who played Jesus in Passion of the Christ, has called today’s Christian leaders, bishops and pastors “collaborators and Judases”. Is he right? Is it possible that our church leaders will not publicly repent from clinging to mammon because it would expose that they played a major role in bringing America to what it is today? Have our Christian leaders become a type of royalty where they will protect each other, not call each other for their sins and failures?

This is a call for Church leaders in America to repent for choosing mammon over God by following the Johnson amendment and withdrawing from political and public life not to lose their tax exempt status (Matthew 6:24).

They also need to repent for failing to tell their congregations, according to biblical standards, specifically for whom they should vote for and for whom they should not vote. Telling congregants to vote “biblical principles” is not enough.

Far too many believe they are voting biblical principals by voting for the Democratic party. Deceived into believing the platform of the Democratic party — giving to the poor, helping minorities — they conclude they are voting biblical principals when voting for Democrats.

My people perish for lack of knowledge according to Hosea 4:6-12! Like the leaders in Ezekiel 22:26 and Malachi 2:7-9, church leaders have failed their congregations. The result is that Satan through the Democratic Party has taken over every aspect of America’s public and political life, in education, government, entertainment, justice system, social media, judicial system, healthcare, even in churches.

Instead of leading their congregations like the first church leaders spoken of in Acts 5:28-29, today’s church leaders have chosen to do the exact opposite of the first church by choosing to obey government instead of God. In direct opposition to God’s command in Hebrews 10:25 and Colossians 3:16, they have closed their doors at the direction of government and they accept the worship restrictions at the call of the government. There are now restrictions on church services, gatherings, corporate worship, corporate praise and even singing!

But those of in these congregations are not without blame. We have chosen to follow the direction of our leaders instead of the Bible. By failing to directly apply Scripture to current events, public and political life, we have strengthened the hands of evil doers and allowed America to become like Sodom and Gomorrah as God warned in Jeremiah 23:14.

God has laid the foundation of this country in our Constitution, where he gave His people power to have Him front and center of every aspect of human life. Christian leaders, mainly pastors, have allowed Satan to dismantle almost every aspect of what God has founded brick by brick by withdrawing from every aspect of public and political life and by not educating His people. They have allowed God to be removed from our society.

“When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a PLAGUE among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:13 & 14.

It is time to repent and turn from our wicked way, Today.